Why we sold everything and moved to a new country…

How far would you go to save the person you love?
By Dave Ulloa
Seven Years ago my wife, Yvette was diagnosed with in incurable disease. We heard the words but did not accept his diagnosis. We went on a journey searching for answers and a better solution then what western medicine was giving us. Every Doctor suggested a very invasive 3 part surgery that had many potential side effects and would take a year to recover from. As a former Police officer and government employee we did not have the resources nor the time or connections to search the world for a better solution, a holistic less invasive answer.
Grateful 12 years ago we got out of our comfort zone and stepped into the entrepreneur world. We did not know it at the time but because of that decision it saved my wife’s life (i’ll share that specific story at a later date). As we traveled the world meeting some amazing doctors, homeopaths, holistic practitioners we felt as if we were getting closer and closer. Each getting her mind, body and soul ready to receive the final gift that brought all the pieces to the puzzle together.
A few years ago we found a healing facility in South America that was so far out there, but we decided that surgery was always an option but it was going to be the last option. This facility was the missing piece to the puzzle that all other roads led us to. At first we resisted. We decided that surgery was the only way to go. We requested our prayer warriors to pray for Yvette and scheduled her invasive 12 hour surgery with UCLA medical who had the best doctors for Ameloblastoma.
The Friday before her surgery the doctors dropped the ball. They failed to request a blood test, siting Yvette is healthy and doe not require one. We requested a new scan to see if the tumor had grown. Doctors informed us they were ok with using the one done 6 months ago…. What!!!! Are you kidding me. I immediately got on the phone and let them have it. How could doctors be so uncaring and careless. I realized that God and our prayer warriors were at work. We decided to follow the flow and step into faith. One person one connection later Yvette was in South America. Only way to describe our journey is pure GRACE.
A few months ago we decided that in order for her to completely heal we needed to physically move to South America. We initially would visit every few months and return home. It was like a roller coaster, up and down. She would get better and then worse when we’d leave the facility. We decided to give away and sell everything. We left our Playa Vista, California Luxury apartment home. We gave up our luxury cars and a lifestyle that most would be envious of.
However, none of that matters when the person you love the most is in pain. We feel one of our missions in life is to bring hope and inspire others who may be hurting and in pain, physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. We’ve decided to take this pain and make it a gain. We hope you’ll follow our journey as we travel around the world sharing fun, adventurous experiences and the many things we learn along the way. Including updates on her healing progress.
Our outcome is to inspire and bring more light and love to the world. Yes it’s true you can have it all and even if you have a piece of life that is out of balance you can bring it back with our success formula. Desire + Believe + Action = Success.
Lovingly written by my beloved, Dave Ulloa.
And shared with amazing love, hope and inspiration with all of you…as I know each one of you believe in more, giving more, being more, doing more. That more is sitting right out there out of your comfort zone. That more is sitting right on the other side of fear. I urge you today. Take a leap. That leap of faith. And Jump. YOU CAN. And YOU WILL. I believe in you.
We would love to hear your feedback and what you think about our crazy move. We would love to also know what kinds of things you have learned when chaos or illness has hit your life. We strongly believe all illness and difficult times bring with them gifts and lessons to help us evolve to the next level…sharing together, we rise up. Please comment below, and share with anyone who may need a dose of courage and love in their day today…
With love,
PS, If you haven’t yet joined us, opt in to this blog for continued hope, love and inspiration. Together we will rise! Click here to subscribe if you haven’t already! And please share my blog if you feel it would help someone who is going through a similar journey!
And please, let me know below, in the “comments section”. What are some big sacrifices you have made in life, that made you better in the long term? We grow together, we learn from each other. I would love to hear from you! Blessings and love…
Amy Gonzalez Torres
The biggest sacrifice I made in my past was to be stay at home Mom for my children be there for them Focus on their health & Moved From Jersey to New York City. Which I was always afraid to live in the big city… Soon about to make a big move another state Lately I have been struggling with my mindset allowing fear and worried get in the way… Really had to Read this Early in the Morning Thank You for sharing guys… ❤️❤️❤️
Wow that takes a lot of courage Amy…stay in truth with your desires and God will always deliver the strength…thanks for your beautiful words and sharing!! Best wishes to you!
Teri Greiner
Today as I read this , I realized it confirms my desire to sell everything. No I’m not ill and I don’t have to relocate as extreme as you have done. But after going bankrupt eight years ago due to a type of Ponzi scheme seeing him in jail , then losing my father, my dog, my life savings ,my dream of ministry , my dream of even being happily married by now, I’m ready to Let GO! I was also recently fired from my job of 9 years and I am Free to Restyle my entire life at 60!!!! No retirement or income but Unemployment and God !! He’s my Source ! My husband and my Father . Thank you Yvette! I find great Inspirational Fire from your journey and I will keep trusting, believing and creating my Best Life ! In Jesus Name ❤️🔥
Teri, you are so inspiring. I trust my sister that everything happens for a reason and you will have everything you want in life sister! Stay focused on your dreams and never let anyone take them away. Much love to you…
I have absolutely NO doubt that this was the best decision yiu guys could’ve made. What good are any of the toys and accoutrements without good health.
Totally love you Yvette and Dave 💕
Thank you! So much love to you Sandman!!
Hi Yvette and Dave,
I am always thinking about you both and wondering how Yvette is coming along. I am so glad that she is coming along with her treatment.
South America is beautiful…love the Boss Nova Music….Girl From Impanema song!!!!!!
Hope you have a nice holiday and please let me or us know how your progressing.
Suzy Perlmutter
Thank you Suzy! Always so nice to hear from you 🙂
Christa Fischer
I have been following you both on Instagram for some time now after being involved with WV. I have FILLED my facebook and instagram with POSITIVE, INFLUENTIAL people and most I do not know all I know is that they are involved with a wonderful company! I look forward to meeting you both! Pray for you often.
Blessings and Love
Thank you so much Christa!!! Look forward to meeting you as well!! Much love to you…
Such a beautiful story. I know so many people going throgh growing opportunities (challenges) and this blog will be a light for many even myself. Your story will definitely be a movie. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Pedro! Sending great wishes your way!
Praying for strength and complete healing, Yvette! You are an amazing soul and I love your authenticity! Yes, living out of your comfort zone is the key to have a lifestyle that most people only dream about! Stay who you are because you are simply AWESOME! 🙂
Thank you!!! In the out of the comfort zone is where we found true love and happiness. As tough as it may have seemed, it’s been so amazing!! Sending you love sweet sister 🙂
Kathy Lewallen
Thank you Yvette and Dave for sharing this time of your life with us! You both have been a huge blessing and inspiration to myself and my Husband Danny! We listen to your training/audios! We love you both! Sending you much love, hugs, positive vibes and prayers!!
Love from your wv shack people in Tn,
Kathy and Danny
thank you so much Kathy!! Sending you so much love and gratitude for those beautiful words…
Lydia Thompson
My prayers to you both. I remember the first time I saw you and your husband on stage at Momentum 2014 I believe it was, that was the beginning of my Journey as an entrepreneur, and the 2nd training with WV you guys were very inspirational and fun. I would ask about you because I didn’t see you around. That’s when I learned you were battling a sickness. I enjoyed reading your journey and I know your healing “is” done because God word says, “by his stripes, you are healed”! I will pray for you both, stay encouraged and thank you for the love you both have for each other!
thank you Lydia! Feeling so grateful for your words…and the strength of encouragement and love I’ve received from everyone! Sending you so much love sister!