I’m Yvette. I’m here to help you remember, that : You are perfect just the way you are.
I’m an entrepreneur, giver, teacher and free spirit. I’m here to love on you and help you find your gift. To guide you to release your past and anything else holding you back. And make room for more abundance in your life. Because you deserve it. YOU DO!
My work has been known to be: Spiritually healing, mindset shiftin’, courageously speaking. Dancing freely – Loving wildly. Helping you find your and remember your gift.
“God don’t make no junk. Everyone was put here for a reason and a purpose.” Zig Ziglar.
Bless & Release
You’re going to hear me say this a lot! I’ve developed a strategy of release that works in every aspect of your life. Entrepreneurship, love, play – whatever you want to conquer, I can help you with some simple yet powerful and life-changing strategies that helped me shift from being a government employee to building an empire around the world. An empire of like-minded entrepreneurs who are socially conscious and have mastered all areas of life, not just one: and a tribe of confident, amazing women, who believe in a tribe that honors each other, and want to give BIGGER to this world!

Receive this free audio training and video to learn a few simple strategies that will give you the ability to turn any tough situation into a blessing!